What a morning

Last night I took a look on my time table to make sure I had class today morning. I read that from 8 am to 11 am there was a class. So, at 5:50 my clock rang, and I woked up fresh and made my lunch and ate my breakfast in the kitchen next to the sink (as always during the week). Packed my bags (one bag for law book and computer and the other one for my gym clothes and food). Than half way to the train I checked once again on the time table and saw we do not have any class today. Instead the time table showed only seminariums. Which mean I got ready and stressed all for nothing. Instead of travle to college I turn around and here I am at home in my gym clothes infront of my computer writing about law.
At 11 am I am going for Bodybalance class đŸ™‚ So may be this day won’t be too bad either. _MG_8619

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